Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

Speech text for final examination


Good Afternoon

First of all, let us praise to God Almighty. Honorable ones, our beloved English lecturer; Miss Dini  and my beloved friends. In this golden opportunity, allow me to stand here in front of you all to deliver a brief speech about corruption.

My dear friends

Fifteen years ago, a corruption eradication agency called "Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)" was established. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of the Indonesian nation, who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end a culture of corruption that has taken root in this country.

But, fifteen years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Indonesian nation is still not free. The life of the Indonesian nation is still sadly crippled by corruption. Even Corruption is a word widely known to almost everyone in the country. Corruption is an action of stealing people money and their right of justice. It is stink and in human action. An action that brings our country to the depths of poverty.

Corruption has become the biggest problem in our country, Indonesia, that needs immediate actions. Our country is weaken by it. It's like a virus which infects all sectors in the government; justice and civil service sectors. Public may never forget of the recent corruption scandal, that snares the leader of  Constitutional Court or Mahkamah Konstitusi, Akil Mochtar. That scandal is like snaps us that even in legal constitution, corruption can still thrive. Not only that, other institution such as police and ministry institution which ought to protect and serve us were involved to corruption cases.

Poverty and social discrepancy are those of the effect of corruption. Money that should be given to erase poverty are corrupted for self advantages of certain persons. Justice that should be risen up are corrupted for self righteous of certain persons. But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

My friends

Even tough there is KPK which bravely wipe out the corruption in this country, we as smart generation shall prevent corruption happen in our future. Being honest is the key. Do and speak with honest will help us to maintain our country from the danger of corruption. Corruption must die!!!

Thank you for your attentions. The last I say:

Good Afternoon.

Or watch the video at the following link

Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

How to boil cooking healthy water to drink

The spreading of the season and the instant culture in our country such as bottled water and gallon water, which offers ease has eroded healthy habits inherited by our elderly parents, such as boiling own drinking water to be consumed by our extended family.

Like water gallons or refill drinking water that the process has been shot ultra violet rays that supposedly he was able to kill the bacteria contained therein. The question is, is it only with ultraviolet light that the iron and lime content in water can be eliminated? I do not think it's that simple, although it's done a couple of sieves though.

We still have to standby together considering the lime and iron or metal is very dangerous if it often enters our body. The effects caused by too much precipitation of lime and iron in the body are bladder stones and kidney damage.

One of the tips to reduce the limestone contained in water is to boil it until boiling and to reduce the metal / iron is to precipitate water for several days until the brownish yellow settles at the bottom.


1. Clean pot.
2. Clean water.
3. Wood stove, kerosene stove or gas stove.
4. Electric heating device (But do not overuse water boilers from this electricity).

Here's how to boil water for a healthy drink:
1. Pour clean water into the pan until it is almost full and cover with a lid.
2. Put the pan over the stove or stove.
3. Turn on the stove or stove with a large fire.
4. For wood stoves use firewood that is durable, and not a lot of wood smoke, because it will affect the taste of drinking water.
5. Wait until the boiling water is marked by the appearance of bubbles of water.
6. Need to REMEMBER! Allow for 10 minutes or better 15 minutes to keep the germs and cholera virus in the water completely dead.
7. Turn off the heat and let stand, or lift and place it in a safe place.
8. Allow the water to cool.
9. Filter the water to separate the chalk and iron in the boiled water.

After the water cools down, the chalky substances contained in the water will be separated by themselves. Some are settling and some are floating.

Once filtered - the boiled water was safe for drinking.

Healthy drinking water is marked with no taste, no smell and no color.

Additional suggestions; Minimize the lack of water in the packaging of glass or bottle packaging because it is a lot of facts drinking water packaging is not good if drunk in a long time and continuously.